We Bring the Care You Deserve!

Providing Compassionate Care for Your Loved Ones in Need, Safeguarding Human Dignity and Integrity

Tender Care Homecare, Inc
Tender Care Homecare, Inc

Premier Home Health Care & Community-Based Social Services

Since 2017, Tender Care Homecare, Inc has been offering home care in New York. A unique blend of home health care and social services outreach, promoting and providing our patients with the resources available in the community. We provide premier home health care and community-based social services to the NYC, Nassau, and Westchester areas.

A Rewarding Career is in Your Future

Tender Care Homecare is always looking for qualified individuals and caregivers to fill positions at our global headquarters, in our independently owned and operated offices, and in our clients’ homes. We hope you’ll find a career that is right for you.

Tender Care Homecare, Inc

Set Up a Consultation: We’d Be Pleased to Meet You

Feel free to call +1 (646) 762-2573 or contact us to set up a free Home Health Care evaluation. One of our friendly and qualified staff will visit you and know if Home Health Care/CDPAP (CONSUMER DIRECTED PERSONAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM) makes sense for you.